Yummy dairy taste

Enjoy Yummy Milk Coffee

Love cappuccinos? Lattes? Well, go ahead and enjoy all of them with foamy, tasty Arla LactoFREE. We removed the lactose but kept the great dairy taste – it’s cappuccino deliciouso!

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Full of nutrients

Nutritious but no lactose?

Yes, you can guzzle, gulp, and slurp down your cereal, milk coffee, and smoothies – Arla LactoFREE naturally contains vitamins and minerals and is an important source of energy, protein, calcium, potassium, vitamin B2, and B12. Without the lactose, of course.

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Feel good dairy

Relaaaax and feel good

Yes, sometimes the simple things in life are the best. Don’t hold back, feel at ease, and reward yourself with this yummy tasting smoothie – and a great workout, just the way you like it.

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