Arla owned by farmers

Arla owned by farmers

farmer owned

Arla isn’t a company that’s owned by one person, it’s a cooperative that belongs to all Arla farmers. That’s why our farmers are so passionate about everything they do. From how they care for their cows to how they care for their land, you care more when it’s yours. 

Get to know our farmers

We look after our girls

Arla’s farm owners keep their girls happy as larry. Sorry, we mean happy as Daisy. Click below to find out more about how Arla farmers care for their incredible cows.

We look after our girls

And the land they live on

Arla’s farm owners are constantly learning. Taking data on their feed, crops, and even soil in a mission to become more carbon literate. Click below to find out more about how Arla uses this data as part of their FarmAhead™ Check Program.

FarmAhead™ Check

We care about farmers of the future

Ever wondered why cows moo? Or if they really have four stomachs? Our Farmers (aka Cow experts) know. Some of our farmers even open up their farms to anyone curious about cows.  Click below to find out more

We care about farmers of the future