Pineapple Ice Lollies

Pineapple Ice Lollies

Round up the kids and make these tasty ice lollies. A deliciously refreshing treat made with Arla B.O.B Milk and pineapples. Perfect for cooling down on those hot summer days!


Step 1
  • Position the lolly sticks. Divide the fresh pineapple, cherries and coconut between 6 moulds
Step 2
  • In a jug, mix your juice and coconut water and then pour into each mould so that roughly two thirds of each is filled and then freeze for 3 hours+
Step 3
  • Mix your Arla B.O.B milk and coconut milk together and then pour to fill the rest of the mould and freeze for 3 hours+
Step 4
  • Warm the moulds between your hands to release the ice lolly and enjoy!
Video Arla B.O.B Milk | Pineapple Ice Lollies


1/3 Fresh pineapples, cut into small chunks
Glacé cherries
1/2 coconuts, cut into small pieces or shavings
Coconut water
180 ml
Pineapple juice
120 ml
Reduced Fat coconut milk
60 ml
Arla® B.o.b milk
120 ml