Two glasses of white russian topped with cinnamon sticks

Virgin White Russian

Cool things down with this heavenly take on the classic White Russian cocktail - cheers!

Happy Hour!
Lid being placed onto the shaker


  • 8-12 pieces of ice - crushed
  • 75ml cold coffee syrup
  • 300ml Arla B.O.B milk
  • Shaved chocolate and a cinnamon stick for decoration

Step 1

Divide ice between 4 glasses, then add the remainder to a cocktail shaker.

Ice being spooned into a shaker
Coffee syrup being poured into the shaker

Step 2

Add the coffee syrup to the cocktail shaker.

Step 3

Add the milk and tightly attach the cocktail shaker lid.

Milk being poured into the shaker
The cocktail shaker being shaked

Step 4


Then pour into the glasses, garnish and enjoy - bottoms up!

Fancy a cheeky tipple?

Just add 100ml of cold vodka and replace the coffee syrup with a coffee liqueur to give your White Russian that little kick.

White Russian Recipe Video